Wednesday, March 20, 2013

"I'm going on an adventure!" ... I wish

Good morning everybody. Its Wednesday and its a good day. Yesterday, when I first started this blog, I thought that a lot of the posts would be me wanting to talk about my glory days of high school and my mission. Those are things that I like to talk about but today I don't feel much like reminiscing. I feel like thinking and talking about the future and how I am going to make it a good future by making smart decisions right now. What do I want for my future? ........




Well I mean there are the obvious things like, I want to get married, I want to graduate from college, I want to start a successful career, I want to father a great family, and other things that fit into the obvious section. But what about the not so obvious? Like what do I want to do for a career? Who do I want to marry? What do I want to study? Where do I want to live? What about all the stuff? I have no idea.

So you've seen the hobbit right? OK good, so you know how at the beginning the dwarfs spend a good amount of time in Bilbos house and Gandalf is trying to recruit Bilbo Baggins be to be the burglar for their company and to go with them to take back the mountain that they used to live in. Well Bilbo declines and then the next morning he wakes up and all the dwarfs and Gandalf is gone. He thinks about it for just a moment that takes off out his front door and he is running through other peoples yards, and jumping over fences and some one yells "where are you going?" and he just yells as he continues to run "I'm going on an adventure!". Ya that is my dream. I would loooooove to go on an adventure like that. There are just a few problems with me going on an adventure as compared to Bilbo Baggins. First of all, no one is coming to me asking me to embark with them on a journey to accomplish some goal. Second of all, I could just get in my car and drive and go do something adventurous with my life for the next few years, but there are so many questions, and different reasons why I couldn't go. Question - I have no money, where would I get money to fund my adventure? Should I just save up a few thousand dollars and then take off to somewhere and hope to get random odd jobs on the way to earn enough for my day to day life? Question - What would be the point of my adventure? I feel like if I went just to go on an adventure I would get bored. Every adventure needs a purpose. There needs to be something that wants to be accomplished with each adventure. Some might go on an adventure to go learn about a certain culture, others might go on an adventure to find some hidden treasure, others might go to get to know nature better, or some might go because they think that wherever they are going will make them better and what they want to do. So I don't know what the purpose of my adventure would be. Question - How difficult would I want my adventure to be? Would I bring my technology? Would I bring my iPhone 4 for when I get lost or have no money and need to ask my Dad to transfer money into my account so I can get home? There is really only one reason I see that I couldn't go on an adventure. I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter - Day Saints. Now you are probably thinking I mean to say that the Church discourages adventures. That't not what I mean. I love the gospel of Jesus Christ. I love His Church. I love Heavenly Father. I love His Prophet. I love to keep to commandments. Now its not that going on an adventure for a few years is a bad thing, its that there are other things that Heavenly Father wants me using my time for right now. For example, He wants me to get married, get an education, and start a family and career. There is no time to go on an adventure. If I wasn't LDS, I would probably be on an adventure right now, maybe even in some other country. Its not that the Church I attend is holding me back, its that I am choosing to do things that will make me happier in the future instead of doing the most fun things right now. If I get a good start at life, when I am 40 or 50 I will most likely have a lot of money, and an awesome family. If I go on an adventure for a a few years right now, I might be one of those bums that is just scraping his way through life. I don't want to be one of those guys.

Hence, my adventure desire. But it probably won't happen. At least not any time soon. I like having the security of my job and home to much to give those up for some crazy idea that I'm going to drive across the country and find happiness in exploring what's out there. Maybe if I am 30 years old and have done the college thing and still can't find a woman I want to marry, or a woman who wants to marry me. Then I will go on an adventure. I can wait.

1 comment:

  1. Your blog reminds me of my earlier blogging days so I nominated your blog for the Liebster Blog Award. You can learn more about it here:

    I hope you get back to blogging soon. :)
